Europe’s recent migration crisis may have led directly or indirectly to the rise of the far-right parties in the European political scene. However, the apparent inability of some European countries to deal effectively with the flood of illegal migration from Africa and the Middle East will eventually make European-Islam a political force European leaders and political parties have to reckon with. Moreover, the unwillingness of some Muslim immigrants in Europe to fully assimilate into the main stream European society constitutes in itself a real challenge to peace and tranquility inside and outside Europe.
One of the most disconcerting aspects of Europe’s migration crisis is that it seems to have a direct link with social integration of Muslim minorities in Europe. The real crisis relates to the nature and level of social integration of many immigrant communities in Europe. As a case in point, one of the alleged terrorists who attacked the Westgate shopping center in Kenya is a Norwegian citizen of Somali origin! His alleged radicalization, even though he seemed to have lived for many years in an open European society (Norway) continues to baffle some observers. I would argue that without addressing the real causes which prevent many immigrants from integrating in European contemporary societies, Europe might become another breeding ground for extremism and future terrorism!
For example, the current debate about the ability of Muslims to assimilate into European societies focuses on whether there is actually a recognizable Muslim general attitude which influences the level of social integration of Muslims. On the one hand, some immigrants who come from conservative African or Middle Eastern societies may face some challenges in accepting full integration into their European social environments. On the other hand, one can find some Muslims who fully accept their new European identity without feeling almost any kind alienation. The issue becomes more complicated if it is juxtaposed against a backdrop of overt or covert racism and discrimination many Muslim immigrants face in some European societies. However, social integration constitutes a basic requirement for cultural assimilation. Showing the willingness to integrate also indicates a readiness to reject any religious extremism.
Every European society has the right to protect its cultural and civil achievements. Therefore, no one has the right to change the civil culture of Europe and transform it into little communities of isolated individuals. Those who choose to practice their conservative ways of life, can either accept the legal and cultural boundaries of European societies, otherwise they can change residence. A good Muslim individual will always put themselves in others’ shoes. Else, how would a Muslim deal with a non-Muslim individual who wishes to fully practice the dictates of their faith in a Muslim society, some of which may go against the basic teachings of Islam!