Muslim-bashing continues

The Progress Party (FrP) has come with its own contribution to the current public “debate” about Muslims in Norway. FrP would like to promote religious freedom by being more restrictive.


Per-Willy Amundsen, the Party’s spokesman on immigration policy, says they want to prohibit burka-wearing in public.

“We’d like to propose a legislation change as soon as possible; perhaps as early as next week,” he tells VG.

Amundsen does admit their suggestion isn’t particularly liberal; choosing to defend equality between the sexes instead.

FrP’s suggestion has already become law in France, and a number of European countries have condemned burkas for being women-oppressive.


He also claims garments that envelope the entire body have no connection to freedom of religious expression.

“There are limits. It’s got nothing to do with religion, and certainly isn’t voluntary. At least, I can’t understand why anybody would willingly choose to wear a tent.”

To enforce the ban, Amundsen proposes penalising women who wear burkas or niqabs in public.

“Nobody’s suggesting the police have a burka section. But in principle, it would be the same as if they saw a naked person in public (Ed: which would be subject to an Islamic fatwã that forbids men to see a woman’s face or arms),” he says.


Several FrP county constituencies have also supported introducing a ban, and it’s expected to be on the agenda at this weekend’s national executive committee meeting.

“I’m against burkas and niqabs. We don’t want a society where people are concealed from top to toe,” says Helga Pedersen, deputy leader of the Labour Party (Ap).

But Audun Lysbakken, the Socialist Left’s (SV) Minister for Social Inclusion, says he’s against it.

“Although the idea of women covering their face is oppressive, a ban would only serve to isolate them even more. Consequently, we punish the women, rather than the ideals behind these types of garments.”

Should the Party’s suggestion secure a Parliamentary majority, banning burkas and niqabs on buses, trams, trains, public offices, and libraries will become a reality.

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