A popular Arab television program is bringing attention to the Clarion Project‘s research on the Islamist ties of a senior Department of Homeland Security official. This begs the question: Why is the Arab media more concerned about pro-Muslim Brotherhood influence in the U.S. than the American media?
The segment appeared on Al-Hayat TV (and was uploaded on another organization’s YouTube channel). According to an Egyptian friend of the Clarion Project, the Arab show was alarmed by our reporting on Mohamed Elibiary, a senior Department of Homeland Security advisor that is vocally in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Al-Hayat references (at 47:00), a 37-page annotated interview I conducted with Elibiary that was jointly published by Clarion Project, the Center for Security Policy and the Institute on Religion and Democracy.
In October, Clarion Project published 15 disturbing facts about Elibiary taken from the lengthy report. One fact specifically mentioned in the Arab television segment is that Elibiary is linked to the Holy Land Foundation, a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood front that was shut down for financing Hamas.
The Egyptian show was also shocked by our report on how the Department of Homeland Security issued training guidelines that shield Elibiary’s U.S. Muslim Brotherhood allies and sideline their Muslim and non-Muslim opponents.
Since the publication of our interview, it has been discovered that Elibiary used to be an official of the Dallas-Fort Worth chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entity and unindicted co-conspirator in the trial of the Holy Land Foundation.
Elibiary has also praised former Egyptian President Morsi as “Egypt’s Mandela” and said the U.S. is an “Islamic country.”
According to the Egyptian who reviewed the Arabic segment, the host was perplexed over why the Obama Administration would have a pro-Brotherhood foreign policy and have someone like Elibiary in a position of influence.
The host could only come up with two possible reasons:
Either President Obama is truly that ignorant, or the U.S. government has struck an alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood to control the Middle East and to stop them from targeting America.
The Arab media understands that this story warrants attention. What’s the American media’s excuse?