Recently a Danish cop broke the taboo and said what many already know: Immigrant criminals target Danes to make them move out of (Muslim) area. As a follow-up, I will here publish a few statements made by a Christian priest, a Danish police officer and a council chairman that confirm this observation:
Translated from Kristeligt Dagblad, January 12, 2011: Christian priest fleeing harassment in Vollsmose
“I was told by young people in Vollsmose that I should not drive into the area with the cross hanging in the car. Then our car was smashed and burned and the seats cut up. Since then the side windows in our new car was smashed three times,” he says.
After the vandalism Fouroozandeh Massoud and his wife dare no longer let their children play on the playground in Vollsmose.
“They do not wear a headscarf, which 99 percent of the other children do, so they attracted too much attention, and it was not safe to send them out to play. So we moved very far away from Vollsmose,” he says.
“They have an extreme hatred towards authority. Moreover, there is also racism here, and it has become more pronounced in recent years. The Danes have a very difficult time here. Their children can not play in the sandbox, it’s Danish cars that are set on fire, it is the Danish population’s apartments that are broken into, it is the Danes that are shot at with air rifles, and it is the Danes who are exposed to street robberies.”...
“We are often called racists, but that’s how they look at everyone who enforce the law,” says Kim Thyssen.
“Ethnic conflict is about to be started,” he warns. “It is the Danes who are victims of violent assault and it is the Danes’ cars that are torched. It’s gangs of mainly Palestinian and Somali background who are behind the attacks.”...
According to Ra Ranunkel, it is a hardcore gang of Somalis who target their assaults against Danes. And it is mainly Palestinians who burn the Danes’ cars ...
“An ethnic conflict, a racial conflict is breaking out, and it’s scary,” says Ra Ranunkel.