David Cameron will tomorrow launch a new drive to counter Islamic extremism by calling on more Muslim women to learn English – in the hope that they will turn into more powerful moderating forces.
The Prime Minister has privately argued that one of the main reasons why young Muslim males fall under the spell of fanatics is because their mothers have too much of a subordinate role within their communities to argue against the influence of the extremists.
He is expected to call for more Muslim women to learn the language so they can make advances in the job market and take on a more influential role.
Mr Cameron has been shocked by the fact that at least 700 people from the UK – the vast majority of them young males – have travelled to support or fight for jihadist groups in Syria and Iraq, with about half having since returned to Britain. Most who have gone are thought to have joined Islamic State.
He has argued with advisers that he needs to ‘lift the horizons’ of women in those areas where the language barrier contributes to them being trapped outside the workforce.
Last year, Mr Cameron commissioned Louise Casey, the Director General of the Government’s Troubled Families unit, to carry out a review of how to ‘boost opportunity and integration’ in the communities and boost employment outcomes for women – on condition that it did not lead to Government funding being handed over to ‘self-appointed community leaders’.
Ms Casey’s findings will provide the framework for a new ‘Cohesive Communities Programme’, designed to ‘improve integration and extend opportunity’ among Muslims.
A Government source said: ‘David knows that the traditional submissiveness of Muslim women is a sensitive issue, but the problems of young people being attracted by extremism will not be tackled without an element of cultural change within the community.
‘At the moment, too many Muslim women are treated like second-class citizens who may speak only basic English at best, and have no jobs or independent financial standing. It means they are in no position to speak out against the influence of the radical imams, however strongly they feel about it’.
Ms Casey’s review has also been examining the wider role which families and communities can play in countering radicalisation, rather than ‘quietly condoning’ the ideology of groups like Islamic State.
The Muslim Council of Britain has objected to what it describes as an attempt to place responsibility for extremism entirely on Britain’s Muslim population, arguing that they are also ‘struggling to challenge the terrorist narrative’.