President Obama should act against the “denigration” of Islam in newspaper columns, on talk radio and in religious sermons nationwide, the national executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, wrote in a letter to the president.
As Obama prepares for his much anticipated address to the Muslim world tomorrow, CAIR offered the president some tips on how to better foster dialogue and understanding with Islam.
“Prior to the 9/11 attacks, Islamophobia of the type we see today was at the margins of public discourse,” wrote CAIR’s Nihad Awad.
“Unfortunately, today it is quite common to see and hear the faith of Islam denigrated in newspaper columns, on talk radio and in religious sermons nationwide. Few in the Muslim world will listen to our calls for openness and reform while the faith they hold dear is being vilified,” he wrote.
Awad called for Obama to act on the issue.
“Silence on this growing phenomenon is un-American and betrays the values of inclusiveness and religious tolerance that we all hold dear.”
The CAIR letter also suggested Obama change the U.S. policy toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
“Israel’s wall of separation must come down, humiliating roadblocks must be removed, the illegal settlements must be dismantled, food and other essential supplies must flow freely, Palestinian rights must be restored, and a viable and independent Palestinian state must be created and supported,” wrote Awad.
Israel’s “wall” is actually mostly a fence. It was constructed starting in 2002 in response to rampant Palestinian terrorism that was initiated two years earlier after Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat turned down an Israeli offer of a state in the West Bank, Gaza and eastern Jerusalem. Instead of proposing a counter offer, Arafat started his intifada, or terrorist war, aimed at “liberating” Palestine by force.
The fence is credited directly with drastically cutting back the number of Palestinian suicide bombers able to infiltrate Jewish population centers. The barrier becomes a wall at select locations where Palestinian gunmen previously routinely fired at Israeli motorists.
Israel allows food and other essential supplies into the Gaza Strip.
The “humiliating” roadblocks referenced by Awad were erected in direct response to Palestinian terrorism and are credited with stopping scores of potential attacks. There were no roadblocks or checkpoints inside the West Bank before the major onslaught of terrorism in the last 15 years.
Israel’s settlement activity is not illegal but is considered disputed according to international law.
The CAIR letter states the U.S. must champion “political and religious freedom, human rights, the growth and stabilization of democratic institutions, and respect for the rule of law for everyone, not just those we favor.”
It claims, “for too long, we have claimed to be champions of freedom and democracy, while turning a blind eye to repression, occupation and authoritarian rule. We must hold every nation, even those we regard as allies, to a uniform standard of justice and equality. No other action will do more to restore America’s international reputation.”
On Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, CAIR suggests the U.S. should change its policy to be “based on the reduction of the U.S. intervention and the respect and support for local solutions and indigenous democratic decisions by the local governments.”