One year ago, Ground Zero Mosque leader Daisy Khan, the wife of stealth Islamic supremacist Imam Faisal Abdul Rauf, said that they would be breaking ground on September 11, 2011 for the 15-story monster mosque going up in a building that was destroyed in the Islamic attack on America on 9/11. It was redundant. They had broken ground on September 11, 2001.
Well, nonetheless, the jihadist radical Rauf and his third wife (one more, papa, and you are maxed out) have been kicked off the Ground Zero mosque project and the developer grifter Sharif El-Gamal has lopped off ten stories from his triumphal mosque. In other words, we have successfully halted the project, for now.
But the media and Islamic supremacists create their own fantasy, and they started claiming Monday that the mosque had actually opened — because the grifter El-Gamal hung some photos of kids on the main floor of the building. Pathetic. In fact, the mosque in the former Burlington Coat Factory building has been open and they have been praying there for several years now. It took the leftwing media monster a year to fine-tune its manipulative rhetoric and rather disgusting propaganda campaign to advance the building of the Ground Zero mosque, despite the overwhelming grief and pain and it has caused the majority of Americans.
The incredibly corrupt and intellectually bankrupt New York Times, long bereft of any integrity or objective journalism, devoted an entire section to a Ground Zero Mosque photo exhibit to raise funds for the mosquestrosity. In a stupid and obvious attempt at manipulation (using children, no less), this photo exhibit gets incredible New York Times coverage for a Mr. Danny Goldfield (work that last name), who “had to teach himself how to take photographs as he started the project.”
A photography exhibit by a man who isn’t even a photographer, but who gets a full spread in the New York Times? Only because it advances this cultural obscenity. These people play so dirty. No morality at all. Still, the story went worldwide, with all the mainstream media lemmings jumping on. There’s a ton of media on this fictitious story. WNYC, the Boston Globe, even the New Zealand Herald. Why? How many people attended this charade outside of media and mosqueteers? How many more patriots attended our 9/11 Freedom Rally that got zero coverage? America, you are being so played.
London’s Daily Mail reported happily: “The first part of Park51, the controversial Lower Manhattan Islamic community centre, is opening on Wednesday with an art exhibition featuring photographs of children.” It quoted El-Gamal saying: “I met Danny Goldfield when Park51 was still a new idea. I said his photographs should be the first event at Park51. I am proud to say the idea has been realized. Opening this incarnation of the community centre is a fantastic accomplishment.”
CNN also jumped on the bandwagon, reporting this: “Islamic center near ground zero touts first big event as center’s grand opening.” The report gushed: “This week, another grand opening – this one steeped in controversy – is scheduled for just a few blocks away from the site where the Twin Towers once stood.”
“A few blocks.” CNN lies. That building is 600 feet from the tower site, and it is part of Ground Zero. The landing gear from one of the 9/11 planes crashed through its roof.
CNN quoted Katerina Lucas, Park51’s chief of staff, saying that the art exhibit was “a huge step forward. I hope it shows we are about inclusion, not exclusion.” No, it shows you play dirty. Very dirty. “The photography exhibit, Park51’s first big public event,” says CNN, “comprises portraits of children from 169 countries who now live in New York City.” I told CNN what this was really all about: “It is an obvious and cynical attempt to manipulate public opinion and divert attention away from the Islamic supremacist ties, shady financial dealings, and contradictory statements of the mosque organizers.”
The CNN story also says that “with $70,000 raised in under two months via, a funding platform for creative projects, the remodeled space at 51 Park Place will serve as a temporary community center until groundbreaking for the rest of the building.” El-Gamal raised $70,000? Perhaps then he can repay the two bank loans he defaulted on or the back taxes that he didn’t pay. Oh yeah, and the rent he didn’t pay, leading to his eviction.
Still, for all this triumphalism, CNN still admits that the Park51 grifters “are not speculating about a timeline for construction.” Nevertheless, “Park51’s planners say they are committed to their original Lower Manhattan location. They are now seeking to raise $7 to $10 million in financing.”
Give that money to the first responders. Don’t build a mega-mosque at Ground Zero.