Insanity in the West Includes Marching against Israel, the Country that Symbolizes all the Lost Values of Western Society

In Pedro Almodovar’s film, “La mala educación”, there is an amazing phrase from the protagonist, Ignacio: “I don’t believe in anything and therefore I’m not afraid of anything”. Here it is, the new spirit blowing in the West from Columbia University to the Biennale in Venice, one of the world’s most famous artistic festivals which opened this week in Italy.

A progressive, inclusive, anti-colonial Biennale open to the “South of the world”, where sexual gender and geographical origin count more than talent.

In a work exhibited in Spain’s national pavilion in the Venetian Gardens, Peruvian artist Sandra Gamarra compares the treatment of Palestinian Arabs to discrimination against transgender people. “Transbody is to normative heterosexuality what Palestine is to the West: a colony whose extent and form are perpetuated only through violence,” Gamarra wrote in the work.


In the work at the Bienniale by the Mexican Frieda Toranzo Jaeger, we see a future characterized by queer freedom, ecologism and “Viva Palestina”, between a lesbian scene and a reference to Frida Kahlo.

Meanwhile, the ayatollahs, guests in Venice with an exhibition on the “human race” (brilliant), arrested an artist in Tehran who had dared to make fun of the mullahs, painting them in the form of animals. They also subjected her to a “virginity test”.


Now we all live in the crazy and demented world of Judith Butler, who calls herself “they” but cannot distinguish a democracy that counts heads (Israel) from a caliphate that cuts them off (Gaza).

Now we have Netflix’s rainbow fairies, neutral bathrooms, transgender Homer, transbody, Ramadan crescents hanging in Europe’s de-Christianized cities and let us not forget universities like Columbia and Yale which resemble Nazi Germany.

When Western culture goes crazy, it attacks Jews. It happened in 1934 and it is happening in 2024.

Giulio Meotti, cultural editor for Il Foglio, is an Italian journalist and author and a Middle East Forum Writing Fellow.

Giulio Meotti is a Rome-based journalist for Il Foglio national newspaper. He is the author of twenty books, including A New Shoah: The Untold Story of Israel’s Victims of Terrorism, The Last Western Pope (translated into Spanish and Polish), The End of Europe (Prize Capri San Michele), and The Sweet Conquest (with a preface by Algerian novelist Boualem Sansal) about the creeping Islamization of Europe. He writes a weekly column for Arutz Sheva and has contributed to the Wall Street Journal, the Jerusalem Post, Gatestone Institute, and Die Weltwoche.
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