Hat tip Campus Watch. Joseph Massad is one of too many Middle Eastern Studies professors infecting our universities with their biased view on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and brainwashing our youth. In this recent piece for Al Jazeera, he attacks the TV show, “Homeland” for its anti-Arab bent as he uses his own rhetoric that I would characterize as anti-Jewish (What else is new?) He gives a tortuous recital of the characters and the plot with lots of emphasis on their race or religion. In fact, it is so tortuous, it reads like the entire decades-long history of “Days of our lives”.
Just for the record, I have never watched “Homeland” and have no plans to do so. It sounds a little too complicated for a simple guy like me-at least after reading Massads’ rant.
This isn’t an op-ed or article: it is a manifesto written by a nutcase-who also happens to be a Columbia University professor. Unfortunately, there’s more like him at Columbia.