SPME Seeks Clarification With Lincoln University in Siddique Case

Last week, in response to recent reports in the Philadelphia Inquirer, Washington Post, Haaretz and other reports, Prof. Peter Haas, President of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East sent a letter to Ivory Nelson, Lincoln University President seeking clarification about what the university plans to do with reports of a tenured professor’s virulent anti-Israel remarks. An Associated Press report in the Washington Post also has two Pennsylvania law-makers Senators Anthony Williams and Daylin Leach contacting President Nelson about the remarks of Kaukab Siddique, a tenured professor of English Literature who allegedly called for the destruction of Israel, “if possible by peaceful means,” and made other alleged anti-Semitic remarks at a Washington Rally.

Reports from the Washington Post have the University responding to other inquiries saying that it was “unaware” of his remarks on campus and having Siddique responding as, " I am against Israel-not against Jews.”

To date, the university has not responded to Prof. Haas’s letter.

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