Yesterday I posted here about how lowlife UNC professor Omid Safi falsely claimed that I threatened to kill him and family. I also wrote this email to UNC Chancellor Holden Thorp, cc’ing Safi’s department head Laurie F. Maffly-Kipp, Safi’s wali and fellow UNC professor Carl Ernst, and Safi himself:
Dr. Thorp:Professor Omid Safi has falsely claimed that I threatened to kill him and his family.
Details here:
I do not know how far and wide he has spread this claim, or what damage he has thereby done to my reputation.
I request that you reprimand Professor Safi immediately, and dismiss him from his faculty position at the University of North Carolina.
As a UNC alumnus I am ashamed for the university, and hope that you will not allow this trafficker in libel and defamation to continue to spread his lies from his position there.
Robert Spencer
I question the timing. Don’t you?
American university education is in a sorry state, but Omid Safi’s behavior here is a particularly egregious example. If you think it is outrageous that a liar and smear artist like Omid Safi holds a professorship at a major university, please write, courteously and respectfully, to UNC Chancellor Holden Thorp: Write also to UNC Department of Religious Studies chair Laurie F. Maffly-Kipp:
Ask that Safi be reprimanded and/or fired, for the sake of the integrity of the University of North Carolina and American academia in general.