Qualms Over Obama, But We Must Accept Election [Letter to the Editor; incl. Rashid Khalidi]

The 2008 presidential election has been decided. I cannot recall a time in the past when a presidential campaign lasted so long.

The election of Barack Obama leaves me with trepidation about the future of our country. Unlike the majority of voters, I consider Sen. Obama to be unfit to be president; he is untrustworthy and an outright liar.

However, he is now the president-elect and will soon lead the country for better or for worse.

My opinion is based on his liberal views, on his propensity to associate with an inordinate number of anti-Americans and because he has been untruthful about their influence on him.

Barack Obama has had a close association with the convicted felon Tony Rezko, the black supremacist racist Rev. Jeremiah Wright and the terrorist Weathermen bomber William Ayers. He has also associated with the Islamic radical and anti-Semite Rashid Khalidi as well as the Marxist/Socialistic Saul Alinsky.

It assails my common sense to believe that the senator did not know of the hatred of America espoused by these men. It also assaults my sense of credulity that the philosophies trumpeted by these des-picable men would not influence his ac-tions as president. I am astonished that these dangerous anti-American associa-tions did not resonate with the voters.

Regardless of my opposition to him, Barack Obama is our next president. I have no other option than to accept this fact. I honestly hope that his actions as president make me change my opinion. I sincerely hope that he meets the challenges of our nation with patriotism, honor, vision, courage and compassion. If he does so, I will praise and support him. If his presidency is unworthy, l will castigate him with vigor and unbridled passion.

I want President Obama to serve us faithfully, protect us and keep the nation as it has always been, the home of the free and the land of the brave. Unfortunately, at this point in time, my judgment of him is that he will not do so but instead, steer the ship of state far to the Left toward “Big Government” and socialism.

My fervent prayer is that I am wrong and that the people¹s judgment is correct.

Jim DeMott

Sun City West, Ariz.

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