Eight months after the Muslim terror bombings that killed and crippled so many Americans in Boston, Princeton University is set to provide a forum to a 9/11 Truther who justified the bombings as a response to “American Global Domination” and who has a long history of racist remarks and justifying terrorism.
Apparently Falk does have a place at Princeton.
Western diplomats are blasting a high-level U.N. official who blamed the Boston terror attacks on “American global domination” and “Tel Aviv.”
The United States called for the body to relieve the U.N.'s Human Rights Council (UNHRC) special rapporteur for the Palestinians Richard Falk of his position. U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice was unequivocal.
Canadian officials did the same, blasting Falk for “mean-spirited, anti-Semitic rhetoric.” Britain’s mission to the U.N. published a statement declaring that enough is enough:
The UK objects strongly to recent remarks made by UN Special Rapporteur for the Palestinian Territories, Richard Falk, linking the Boston bombings to “American global domination” and “Tel Aviv”. This is the third time we have had cause to express our concerns about Mr Falk’s antisemitic remarks. It is important to the UK that Special Rapporteurs uphold the highest standards in their work and we have twice previously made clear that remarks by Mr Falk were unacceptable.
At 12:07 pm, speaking at the daily press briefing, Ban Ki-moon’s spokesman announced: “The Secretary-General rejects Mr. Falk’s comments [which] “undermine the credibility and the work of the United Nations.”
So why is Princeton bringing Falk in to deliver an academic lecture?
Consider Richard Falk, a retired international-law professor whose tenure as the United Nations Human Rights Council’s rapporteur on the Palestinian territories has proved an embarrassment, even judging by the U.N.'s rather peculiar moral standards. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has twice censured Mr. Falk for his anti-American and anti-Semitic rhetoric, and Western powers have repeatedly called for his removal. Yet Princeton University, where Mr. Falk taught before entering the U.N. rapporteur corps, has invited him to deliver an annual lecture named for the late Palestinian scholar and activist Edward Said on Feb. 18.