Obama’s Unrepentant Terrorist Pal Tries To Rehabilitate Himself [incl. Rashid Khalidi]

Now that Obama is the president-elect, Bill Ayers, America’s unrepentant terrorist, decides it is safe to stop avoiding the press. In an interview with ABC’s Chris Cuomo, Ayers launches a campaign to rehabilitate his image by rewriting history.

Cuomo helps the Ayers disinformation campaign by going easy on the still unrepentant terrorist.

First, Cuomo doesn’t call Ayers a terrorist, using the more politically correct “radical.” Cuomo says Ayers joined the Weather Underground, but does not mention the fact that Ayers was one of the founders of that terrorist organization--which bombed numerous government buildings and the home of a Federal Judge. Cuomo also gets it wrong when he claims Ayers, after 9/11, said he didn’t regret any of the bombings and the group didn’t do enough. An article, in which Ayers was quoted saying those unrepentant statements, was actually published in the New York Times on 9/11.

Watch the video:

Let’s start with Ayers’ ridiculous claim that the Weather Underground’s bombing campaign wasn’t terrorism, because they gave warnings and didn’t “target people, to kill or injure.” That’s no different than the IRA, a group whose decades-long bombing campaign is widely regarded as terrorism.

More evidence that Ayers is not being forthcoming comes from John Murtagh. Obama likes to say he was only 8 years old when Ayers’ Weather Underground engaged in its terrorist activities. Murtagh was only 9 years old when the Weather Underground tried to kill him and his family by bombing their home as they slept. Watch Murtagh talk about the bombing in the following video:

Ayers justifies the Weather Underground’s terrorist actions by claiming our government was “murdering thousands of people a month” and that the Vietnam War was “illegal.” Right. And they let this washed up terrorist teach education at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

I am so tired of Obama’s guilt by association defense to questions about his associations with unsavory characters, such as the unrepentant terrorist Ayers, the felon Tony Rezko, the anti-American Jeremiah Wright, and Palestine Liberation Organization mouthpiece Rashid Khalidi.

Some association is far from innocent. Criminal law recognizes criminal associations such as aiding and abetting and conspiracies, which hold that you don’t actually have to be the perpetrator to be criminally guilty.

We all learn through our experiences that the company we keep helps to define who we are. I was taught that this is a Biblical lesson:

Bad company corrupts good morals” --(I Corinthians 15:33).

The Jewish faith has similar teachings:

Who consorts with the unclean becomes himself unclean” -- (The Mishna Kelim 12,12).

I would have more respect for Ayers -- and Obama’s refusal to dissociate himself from Ayers -- if the terrorist-turned-professor would repent. Until then, Obama’s nefarious associations cause me to worry about the president-elect’s judgment.
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