In the aftermath of the horrific terror attack on gay people at the Pulse Club in Orlando, there have been national debates over gun control, potential terrorists already in the country, and a national climate of hatred toward various groups. President Obama called the attack “an act of terror and hate.”
What if I told you that, right here in Pennsylvania, you and I, as taxpayers, are paying the salary of a professor who is a Holocaust denier and hater of gays, and who defended Bill Cosby over rape allegations by writing, “Many women are sluts.”
This world-class hater is tenured Lincoln University professor Kaukab Siddique. He teaches journalism and literature at the Chester County university, which is part of the Pennsylvania system of education.
I’ve written about him before and gotten members of the state Legislature to acknowledge how much hatred and conspiracy-laden information he has produced. Acting on his past comments, I decided to check the professor’s Facebook page in the wake of the Orlando shootings. The professor lived up to his history.
In response to the shootings and postings on his page, he wrote to one person, " . . . Homos are the most important people in America. Obama just spoke. Have you ever heard him talk of the 1200 children killed in Gaza by the Jews?”
When the woman he was addressing replied that Obama always speaks after mass shootings, Siddique said, “Don’t minimize what has happened! They will need protection all over America. We still don’t how many of the 50 were Jews. The pulse is no ordinary homo club.”
Siddique, even in the wake of an act that appalled the nation, is fixated on the idea that more dead Jews will result in more coverage and sympathy because of their control of the media and the country.
In other posts, Siddique was concerned that ISIS was not getting credit for its victory in the shooting. He posted “CNN is coming up with conspiracy theories which are meant to reduce or remove the idea of this being an ISIS victory.” He further added “America’s dilemma is that ISIS was able to attack the lutis in their stronghold. Most Americans are puzzled that ISIS was able to attack because they don’t know that every day US Air Force attacks Islamic cities in Syria and Iraq, hitting people who have no way of stopping air strikes. With this attack on an American soft target, US media are trying hard to claim it was NOT an ISIS attack.”
How can we have politicians prattle on about hate and yet no one brings Siddique before an academic board to account for his hateful conspiracies? My biggest contention about Siddique is that his denial of the Holocaust disqualifies him as a journalism professor. He has written: “The Auschwitz ‘gas chamber’ story, which has been meticulously analyzed, rebutted and destroyed by critics like Mark Weber, David Irving, and German Rudolf. Read even one of them and you get rid of the Holocaust myth forever. Don’t take the ‘holocaust’ issue lightly. It is the main source for international Jewry. It is Israel’s milk cow.”
Richard Cravatts, writing for the Times of Israel, notes that Siddique plays a leadership role in Jamaat al-Muslimeen, a radical separatist group that focuses on disseminating anti-Jewish conspiracy theories and engaging in Holocaust denial. Cravatts also asks us to imagine what would happen if a tenured professor at Lincoln were “outed” as a white supremacist, and his postings were sprinkled on the pages of a hate site such as
If we’re serious about hate speech and stepping up to oppose the haters among us, then it’s time to have our representatives force Lincoln University to deal with this world-class incompetent hater. His recent Facebook postings about the worst mass shooting in our history and a direct attack on people because of their sexual identity bring together his hatred of Jews and gays.
As we hear more calls to examine hate groups and our enemies among us, remember we’re paying for a guy concerned over ISIS not getting enough proper credit for its victory at a nightclub in Orlando.