Dr. John Voll supports a terrorist

Dr. John Voll, now at Georgetown and a former professor of mine (and former head of the history department) at the University of New Hampshire, is a wonderful man full of love for his life-long subject matter, Islam.

But he’s too nice. I never learned the prevalence of dhimmitude from him. He overestimates Islam’s penchant for peace by quoting a few passages from the Koran while ignoring the mass of others contradictory to his politically correct stand. His books are touted by corrupt or evil regimes, such as Egypt and Iran. And his loyalty to minimizing the aggressiveness of Islam and making it seem so wonderfully monotheistic with so much in common with the other monotheistic faiths marks him as a kafir ripe for conversion.

Look at his overt respect for Muhammad. What’s that (S) thingy he inserts after every use of Muhammad? Voll’s explanation:

Salla Allahu Alayhi wa Sallam (S): We pray that peace and blessings be upon him[,] used with the Prophet Muhammad’s name.

Do those guys follow Voll’s example and show the same king of respect to Judaism and Christianity? Isolated examples in history, yes, but lately the body of evidence clearly is No. Maybe Voll feels as though he can ennoble the interfaith discussion. He is safe to travel to countries most of us wouldn’t dare to venture to because of his solicitious and respectful scholarship of Islamic culture. I’m talking about Iran and Egypt.

In the MP3 file referenced below he makes a controversial statement, saying the overwhelming body of Muslim theologians, leaders, and thinkers reject terror and suicide bombers. Would it were so. I’m still waiting for the outpouring of condemnation of 9/11, today four years later.

CAIR, for instance, took a couple of months to condemn the vicious attack, masterminded by ben Ladin, whom Voll thinks we’re unduly fixated on. Professor, he, like, you know, is responsible for killing 3,000 of our citizens. The Muslim’s veneration of him, though, is the true fixation.

Voll thinks Muslim Nation isn’t at war with the West. I’m afraid we are. They aren’t like the guy portrayed in the Thirteenth Warrior, making nice with the heathen Norsemen. It’s not merely a sloppy Islamic renewal accompanied by bad PR. Muslims need to face the reality of how much blood is on their hands: most of the armed conflicts ongoing today involve them; they inspire most of the terrorism; and their borders with other civilizations are often bloody.

I wonder, would he make the same statement about Naziism?

Look at his presentation of Mohammad and his five wives:

It is often unrecognized that gender relationships underwent quite a revolutionary change with the advent of Islam and the Messenger’s behavior. Spousal relationships were now based on love and compassion. The Qur’an describes interdependency and love in marriage as follows:

They are garments (adornments) unto you as you are garments (adornments) unto them (Qur’an 2:187)

The relationships are to be full of love and tenderness.

And one of His signs is that He hath created for you mates of your own species that ye may find comfort in their company; And has put between you love and tenderness. Truly here are signs for those who reflect (Qur’an 30:21)

There was levity and joy between spouses.This is putting it too nicely. Voll even adds that the magisterial prophet humbly pitched in with the mundane household chores. Almost like a modern day Alan Alda. Except that one of his wives was his six-year-old niece. She was deflowered by the Prophet when she was nine. Disgusting, isn’t it? Which is why there is no minimum age for marital consent in Islamic countries for girls. It really sucks being female in Islamic countries. But here he lends his name in support to a University of South Florida Islamic jihadist professor, when much contradictory information has subsequently come in to refute the characterization Voll provides.

It’s a joke that he touts UNH’s brave stand against McCarthyism decades ago when the institution has long since fallen sway to feminazis and their speech code oppression. For example, I was found guilty of sexual harassment merely for a facetious comment to a co-ed: “Wow, may I touch your leg?”

My way of letting her know that she was looking like a streetwalker. Imagine what the jihadists would do. Probably take her out. That religion loves to oppress women, much as Voll covers it up. For instance, women in Saudi Arabia can’t vote or drive. Heaven forbid that you are seen in public with your finance, even if escorted by another female relation. You’ll get the metal-pipe-to-the-head treatment.

It just so happens that Voll probably wouldn’t defend a tenured professor who was fired for making a sexist joke or who foundled a co-ed. But what would he do to a terrorist-enabler like Sami al-Arian? Support his sorry ass. What a shame.

And anti-semitism cover-up may be one of Voll’s specialties, I’m afraid, unless he speaks up more strongly for the irrational hatred of Israel by Muslims. I didn’t hear of this in his classroom, for example. It was all “Yes, but...”

I hope Voll has recanted his support of the erstwhile professor al-Arian whose support of terror, vile anti-semitism, and hatred of the West is so apparent.

An MP3 file of Dr. Voll being interviewed is here.

The truth of Islam is closer to this:

The author conveniently left out some very specific and ghastly Mohammedan beliefs here. The worst of these is in the Hadiths, the teachings based on the life and sayings of Mohammed which together with the Koran form the base of Mohammeden doctrine.

One of these Hadiths teaches that at the end times, the ‘Day of Judgment,’ the Mohammedans will finally liquidate the Jewish populace in the Holy Land. When Jews attempt to flee it is said that they will hide behind rocks and trees, whereupon said rocks and trees will start to talk, saying, “Oh Muslim, there is a Jew hiding behind me. Come and kill him.” It also says that Jesus, (in their warped conception of Him,) will return and help them accomplish the deed.

One can easily find this teaching on Mohammedan web sites by searching on ‘tree’ ‘rock’ ‘kill’ ‘hiding’ ‘jew’.

It should be noted that groups like Hamas, have this Hadith written into their charters. (Do a search on ‘hamas’ and ‘charter.’)

As a side note, I wrote to Dr. Daniel Pipes once asking about this, (specifically, how he could posit a ‘moderate’ version of the religion with such teachings,) and his reply was that nothing in these scriptures need be taken literally. Left unexplained was how Jews could be figuratively exterminated, or what spiritual lesson would otherwise be derived from even a ‘spiritualized’ interpretation.

Remember how we compelled Emperor Hirohito to make a record renouncing any divine basis for his authority? If the Mohammedans are to be considered part of the civilized world, then nothing less than the following demand will suffice:


On matters like this, there cannot be any compromise.

The Muslim world buys fewer books annually than Spain; taking away the humongous amounts of money brought in by oil, the economy in Muslim world of the Middle East is smaller than Finland’s. So Islam is a culture with pretentions of being great, principally because of its past, but it’s a long, long way from being so. They’re desirous of going back to the old ways in proportion to their inability to cope with the challenge by the dominant West. Their response is too often not renewal but jihad.

In short, the Muslim world can show us how to die for your faith and the beauty of Arabic (spoken by fifteen percent of Muslims worldwide), but there’s nothing else there. I mean the evidence is so overwhelmingly damning, I haven’t even needed to go to the JihadWatch site by NH’s Robert Spencer.

posted by Brent @ 06:13

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