Campus Watch Weekly Update

Campus Watch reports the following from June 8 - June 21, 2021:

Howler of the Month:

“The attempts to transform the conversation on Israeli state violence to a series of stale talking points about Hamas rockets reflect the thorough dehumanization of Palestinians and the abject disregard for Israeli military aggression.”

From a vehemently anti-Israel petition defending Palestinian rocket attacks and calling on universities to implement BDS, encourage activism by students, and end military aid to Israel. Signed by over 4,000 professors, including many in Middle East studies. “Open Letter and Call to Action,” Palestine and Praxis: Scholars for Palestinian Freedom; May 14, 2021.


Campus Watch Research

Yasir Qadhi: A ‘Reformist’ Islamist in Need of Reform (Andrew E. Harrod):

Middle East Studies in the News

On recently deceased Georgetown U. prof Michael C. Hudson, according to Cal State U. prof As’ad AbuKhalil:

Joseph Massad, Rabab Abdulhadi, Judith Butler and other MESers are attending a conference sponsored by the Turkish government and hosted by Sami Al-Arian, a convicted accessory to terrorism:

On MESA’s “statement of solidarity with the Palestinians":

Oberlin prof Mohammad Jafar Mahallati under fire for hiding facts about 1988 massacre in Iran (incl. Hossein Mousavian):

Al Arabiya:



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