UC Berkeley professor Hatem Bazian, who will be speaking against Israel tomorrow at UC San Diego (no videotaping allowed), is doing his second pony trick by complaining about Islamophobia in the wake of the Boston attack. The Blaze has the report.
This guy has two issues-Israel and Islamophobia. That’s why I call him a two-trick pony. He is a boring speaker who needs a laptop and power point in front of him to give a talk.
It gets better. Tomorrow, this character is speaking along with noted crackpot Cynthia McKinney at UC San Diego as part of the Muslim Student Association’s anti-Israel week of non-events. (No video taping allowed.) Cynthia McKinney!! That should tell you all you need to know.
And he is the director of the “Islamophobia Reseach and Documentation Center” at Berkeley??!! What the Hell is that? Now if he were to open a center devoted to researching and documenting the persecution of Coptic Christians in Egypt, he might have some work to do instead of running around giving his victim speeches at various universities.