Matthew Levitt, Hamas from Cradle to Grave
How charity, social welfare, and terror come together

Avi Jorisch, Al-Manar: Hizbullah TV, 24/7
Al-Manar is the dark side of the new Arab media

Yaakov Amidror, Israel's Security: The Hard-Learned Lessons
Some peace plans would repeat the same mistakes twice

Jonathan Schanzer, Ansar al-Islam: Back in Iraq
Yes, it's murky, but the signs are worrisome

Elie Podeh, The Lie That Won't Die: Collusion, 1967
It was all a conspiracy - so they think


20/20 Vision? The Middle East to 2020
The National Intelligence Council predicts shocks

Saddam's "Engaging Smile"
He made a great first impression back in 1969


Brief Reviews
Arab economics ... Algeria ... Ben-Gurion ... Kurdistan ... Ulama


Say it in Arabic
How do you translate "six-fingered"?