Dov S. Zakheim, What 9/11 Has Wrought
The assaults exerted a heavy yet surmountable toll on the United States

Jonathan Schanzer, Early Warnings Ignored
A group of Republican congressmen issued unheeded alarms on jihadist terrorism

Amitai Etzioni, Toward a Nonviolent, Pluralistic Middle East
Washington can attain a consistent and pragmatic Middle East policy

Ian Johnson, Europe's Underestimated Islamists
Unnoticed, the Muslim Brotherhood has become Europe's foremost Islamist force

Franck Salameh, Does Anyone Speak Arabic?
The decline in classical Arabic use reveals the fallacy of an "Arab nationalism"

Steven Plaut, Israel's Tenured Extremists
Jerusalem's academic bashers have increased; so has public opposition to them

Nidra Poller, The Muhammad al-Dura Hoax and Other Myths Revived
Despite massive evidence to the contrary, the Dura fiction remains intact

DATELINE: Damla Aras, Sudan's Ticking Time Bombs
South Sudan's independence opens a Pandora's box for Khartoum

DOCUMENT: David Barnett and Efraim Karsh, Azzam's Genocidal Threat
Found: The original 1947 document containing the Arab League's warning


Stephen Schwartz, "New Age" Islam
Two books represent failed attempts to respond to Islamism

Brief Reviews
Ibn Saud's legacy ... The Iran-Iraq war ... Talking to terrorists ... The Cairo geniza