WBNS 10TV Reports on Ohio State Students Mobilizing Against Freedom Center Ad

Ohio State University is currently in an uproar over an ad run by the David Horowitz Freedom Center in the student newspaper, The Lantern. The ad, titled “Former Leaders of the Muslim Student Association (MSA), Where Are They now?,” lists nine MSA co-founders and former presidents that have documented ties to terrorist groups. The story has now caught the attention of WBNS 10TV, which has reported on the denunciations by some students of the ad as “hate speech” and their complaints that The Lantern should have rejected it. It relays the Muslim Student Association’s statement that The Lantern “has a legal right to print such an advertisement, but has an ethical responsibility to reject hate speech.” WBNS 10TV’s report also includes an interview with David Horowitz for his defense of the ad.

Far from any kind of “hate speech,” the ad simply lists nine terrorists and jihad operatives — including one of the world’s most wanted men, Anwar al-Awlaki (killed in 2011 by the US government) — who were formerly presidents and co-founders of the MSA before their transition into terrorism. It states the irrefutable facts about these individuals and exposes a sinister trend in the ideological affiliation of the organization.

In light of this disturbing information being brought to the fore, it is no surprise that the MSA and others at OSU have acted swiftly to demonize the messenger in an effort to eclipse the content of the ad and to prevent future publication. But the Freedom Center ad says nothing remotely derogatory or hateful of Muslims or Islam, and that is why The Lantern found nothing wrong with publishing the ad in the first place.

More information on the radical origins and agenda, terrorist associations and anti-Semitism spread by the MSA and its partner organization, Students for Justice in Palestine, can be found in the Freedom Center’s new pamphlet, Muslim Hate Groups on Campus, a new Freedom Center pamphlet written by Shillman Journalism Fellow, Daniel Greenfield.

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