This secretive agenda must be taken seriously

Telegraph View: Developments in Tower Hamlets are worrying news for British democracy

Radical Muslims, in their unguarded moments, are unrepentant about what they believe to be their religious duty: the replacement of secular, tolerant and liberal democracy in Britain by a rigid theocracy, in which the country is governed by Islamic law. Those who aspire to that goal are usually, and correctly, dismissed as a tiny minority who are unrepresentative of the moderate majority of British Muslims. But it would be wrong to dismiss the extremists as insignificant. The evidence we publish today suggests that at least one such group has infiltrated parts of the Labour Party, and has taken over important aspects of the running of the London borough of Tower Hamlets.

If the Islamic Forum of Europe (IFE) was open and frank about its aims, voters would be able to make up their own minds about whether they wanted to see its members in any form of government in Britain. It is part of any democratic system worthy of the name that those who abide by the rule of law are entitled to campaign in elections, even if we find their beliefs objectionable. But some members of the IFE demonstrate in private that they have an agenda that they are not willing to share with the electorate. They have also demonstrated that they are unwilling to abide by the procedures which are essential if elections are to be free and fair. As we report today, Jim Fitzpatrick, the MP for Tower Hamlets, believes that the party has been infiltrated by radical Muslims – just as it was infiltrated in the 1980s by the Militant Tendency. The IFE denies any such campaign. But its denials would be more credible if, in public, the IFE was not presented as simply a “social welfare organisation” committed to “community cohesion” and “tolerance” – while in private, it shows itself to be committed to replacing democracy by a theocracy based on Islamic law.

In what appeared to be a recognition of the problem posed by infiltration by radical Muslim organisations, Labour has placed its Tower Hamlets branch in “special measures”, meaning that it could no longer select its own candidates. The Government, however, appears to be in denial about the threat that organisations such as the IFE pose to the proper functioning of democracy in Britain. Tony Blair ended up with no illusions about the degree to which extremist Islamic organisations could be expected to be committed to the values of secular democracy. But since Mr Brown came to power, both the Government’s policies and its ministers have changed with bewildering speed. The one constant has been the provision of millions of pounds to organisations such as the IFE, in the hope that this will help prevent violent extremism. There has never been any good evidence that this tactic is effective. Indeed, ex-Muslim extremists such as Ed Husain and Maajid Nawaz have pointed out that far from diminishing the power of the hardliners, it merely encourages and emboldens them.

It is not too late to prevent the radicals from advancing further. They are not popular within the Muslim community in Britain, and there is plenty of evidence that in any free and fair election, no representative from a radical Muslim organisation would win. But the Government has been strangely reluctant to face up to the seriousness of the problem. Until it does, the mechanisms of politics and government will remain open to perversion by those with their own insidious agendas.

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