Not giving offence is no defence

Ten years ago, I flew into New York on the first Qantas plane after the September 11 terrorist attacks, as the smoke was still billowing from the gaping hole in the ground and the city was still breathing in the ashes of the 3000 dead.

Looking back now it seems almost innocent to have been as shocked as we were.

At Union Square, a few blocks north of Ground Zero late one night a few days after the attacks, I sat and listened to New Yorkers arguing among themselves about how America should respond.

Passionate and courteous, they were formulating the debate we have been having ever since - do you appease the hatemongers, shower them with largesse, apologise for past perceived misdeeds, change your way of life in order not to cause future offence? Or do you strike back at the terrorists and those who support them?

America and its allies among the Coalition of the Willing chose both courses - the velvet fist inside the iron glove. We didn’t just invade Iraq and Afghanistan to hunt al-Qaida and destroy weapons of mass destruction. We also invaded to bring freedom, and establish a beacon of democracy in the Middle East - with mixed results.

Mistakes were made and the cost in blood and treasure has been high - trillions of dollars, 6000 dead US soldiers and 29 Australian soldiers lost in Afghanistan.

If you look at US power and prestige today, the state of its economy and sense of confidence, it has been all downhill the past 10 years.

From the debilitating inconvenience of airline security to the parlous state of US finances, in part a result of the cost of war, September 11 is still taking its toll.

Paradoxically, since it was a handful of Islamic fundamentalists who perverted religion for their cause, to some in the West, all religion is to blame and stands condemned as equally bad.

We have so gentrified the idea of moral relativism that it is considered distasteful to talk about the “good guys” and the “bad guys”.

You see how awry is our moral compass in the fact we lionise David Hicks, who trained as a terrorist under Osama bin Laden, took up arms against our allies and rushed back to Afghanistan to support his brother terrorists after September 11. Last week in India, the Islamist militants Hicks fought alongside in Kashmir bombed the High Court in New Delhi. But at home the confessed terrorism supporter is the hero author of a bestseller, championed by Dick Smith and feted at book signings.

The extent to which we prostrate ourselves in order not to give offence to our enemies was again seen last week, in a Sydney Court, when a Muslim terror suspect who shot a police officer was acquitted. District Court Judge Leonie Flannery found the climate of anti-Muslim feeling in the community at the time had contributed to the man’s panic when police came to arrest him near the Green Valley mosque in Sydney’s southwest in 2005.

We can see the West’s loss of confidence in the timid tone of the memorial ceremonies planned to mark the 10th anniversary of September 11 in New York. Mayor Michael Bloomberg has decreed there will be no prayers or religious observances. This on its own is a sign of the decline of American self-belief.

It is also a slap in the face to the firemen who gave up their lives on September 11, many of them Catholics, from Staten Island, Brooklyn and Queens. The first body carried out of the rubble was of their chaplain, Franciscan priest Mychal Judge.

No matter what your beliefs, Ground Zero was a holy place and rescuers fashioned crosses out of crushed steel girders and remarked in hushed tones how the debris had arranged itself to look like a giant cathedral spire.

To banish God from Ground Zero is as much an admission of defeat as any for the most open - and most religiously observant - nation on Earth. And yet, despite our self-doubt, as Prime Minister John Howard points out, “we are not beaten. The way of life we treasure is still intact. We are still an open, free society”.

OSAMA bin Laden is dead, assassinated on May 2 in Pakistan. He never managed to mount another attack on American soil.

The trove of information uncovered at his compound revealed the toll the CIA drone killings had taken on al-Qaida, with complaints to bin Laden that leaders were being killed faster than they could be recruited.

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, his leader in Iraq, also is dead, and Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the architect of the September 11 attacks and the October 12, 2002, Bali bombing which killed 88 Australians, is in Guantanamo Bay awaiting trial. The Bali bombers have been executed and their spiritual leader, Abu Bakar Bashir, is in a Jakarta jail.

There has been no terrorist attack in Australia, and the effectiveness of our counter-terrorism apparatus can be seen occasionally in the foiled terror plots which come before the courts.

Al-Qaida is on the verge of strategic defeat and the so-called Arab spring has rendered the terrorist group even more irrelevant.

The night Mohammed Atta and his fellow jihadis flew those planes into New York’s Twin Towers half a world away, I remember looking in on my sleeping children and feeling afraid for the world they would grow up in.

Generations Y and Z were defined by that single act of terrorism, growing up in a post-September 11 world that is less certain, more foreboding and suffused with moral relativism.

But thanks to the courage of countless unsung heroes, the terrorists haven’t won.

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