Prominent Islamists

Individuals Associated with: World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY)

The World Assembly of Muslim Youth (WAMY) is the world's largest Islamic youth organization. Founded in 1972 in Saudi Arabia, by Muslim Brotherhood member Kamal Helwaby, it has satellite organizations in over 50 countries. The U.S. branch was founded in 1992 in Falls Church, VA, by Abdullah bin Laden, nephew of Osama bin Laden. It was closed in 2004 after being raided by Federal agents.

Islamist Watch acknowledges Citizens for National Security for making a significant contribution to the following list.

Name Affiliation Record of Political Donations
Ibrahim Abdullah WAMY: Former Former VP of US branch of WAMY; deported for immigration violations None
Abdulwahab Noorwali WAMY: Current Assistant Secretary General None