Hate preacher Anjem Choudary will march in London today calling for Britain to adopt Islamic Sharia law.
The startling move comes just days after processions celebrating St George were banned for being racist.
Choudary was given the green light yesterday despite a previous demonstration in which some of his supporters chanted: “Bomb the UK”.
Publicity for the march, in the East End, carries 41-year-old Choudary’s personal mobile number and says the aim of the campaign is to “emulate the Prophet and his companions, by calling for Islam and speaking out against the oppression of man-made law”.
It says that Britain is full of “disbelievers” who are involved in prostitution, gambling, alcoholism and worshipping other gods.
The publicity says women are welcome to join the march but they must walk at the back of the procession as “strict segregation will be enforced”.
The demo comes 18 months after three of Choudary’s supporters were jailed for soliciting murder in a London protest against cartoons of the prophet Mohammed published in Denmark.
That was when some demonstrators chanted “Bomb the UK” and “Europe, you will pay with your blood”. Organiser Choudary was fined.
Today’s march won permission after a council withdrew funding for a St George’s Day parade in the Midlands – on the grounds that it was “racist”.
Parade founder Mark Cowles, 40, of West Bromwich, said yesterday: “I can’t believe Choudary’s event can go ahead.
“The British establishment is trying to take away the British voice but other cultures choose to force their way of life on us.”