Congressman Allen West says 9/11 lessons unlearned, sees threat from radical Islam

Congressman Allen West said Wednesday the nation hasn’t learned the lessons from the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks largely because political correctness is hobbling political leaders from confronting the threat he sees from Islamic extremists.

West, a Republican who represents Broward and Palm Beach counties, made his comments at a Washington, D.C., event at which he hosted the screening of a conservative Christian group’s film “Sacrificed Survivors: The Untold Story of the Ground Zero Mega Mosque.”

“My fear is that maybe we could end up forgetting what happened on 9/11 because of certain things like political correctness or this desire to be a multicultural America. But in being a multicultural America, we must never forget the fundamental principles and values that made us great,” West said.

“Have we really learned a lesson from 9/11? I don’t think we have. I think we are so anxious with this fast food type of mentality that we can quickly move beyond something that were not willing to sit back and really assess what is really happening in and around us,” he said.

West said the political correctness intimidates people from saying what he believes is true about Islam.

“If we continue down this road, as I call it multiculturalism on steroids, then we’re going to present a gap by which we can get exploited time and time again. So I think that we have to start kind of like in baseball the umpire calls a ball a ball and a strike as strike and it’s time that we start calling some strikes out there.”

“I am not sitting up here and condemning people who call themselves Muslims,” West said. “Now is the time we have to challenge this ideology. If we are to peacefully coexist they have to come into the 21st Century and push aside a lot of these 7th Century ideas they still hold.”

West said he thinks that makes Islam a particular threat.

“We have to understand that the major religions of the world, Judaism and Christianity did go through reformations. Now when you look at this next major religion, I call it a theocratic political construct ideology, they need to go through a reform of the process as well.

“Ever since Muhammad left Mecca and took his Hijrah to Medina there was a violent turn to this faith that is called Islam. And we must confront that and we must understand that….

“We have to continue to challenge them. Because once again if we continue to give and give and cede and cede and give ground we’re not going to be respected.”

He said potentially dangerous elements are using America’s freedoms in a way that ultimately will undermine the country and those freedoms. “There is something that is the anathema of what we believe in that is using our constitutional rights and freedoms, that is using the First Amendment to try to get within this country and try to establish a foothold and take this country down.”

West said the nation is “very blessed that we have not had a catastrophic event,” since Sept. 11. He said that isn’t for lack of trying by those who would pose a threat, such as the bombing in Times Square and the Christmas Day shoe bombing.

Security doesn’t concentrate on the right things, he said, explaining a staffer’s 2-year-old child had to shed his sandals before an airplane flight.

West said the former Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi once said that Islam would eventually take over Europe without firing a shot, something that would happen through immigration.

An even bigger issue, West said, is the porous U.S. southern border because there are terrorist training camps in South America and prayer rugs and Arabic-Spanish-English translations have been found along travel routes.

“I don’t want us to get away from welcoming people from all different lands. But we also have to safeguard the American way of life,” he said.

He said Iran is a particular threat. “Iran is the hotbed for this Islamic totalitarianism that is evidenced in militant Islam and we have to confront that sooner or later.” West said economic sanctions “mean nothing in that part of the world” because national leaders don’t care about their own people.

He didn’t say what should be done about Iran, but said, “Eventually we have to come to the realization that you cannot compromise, you cannot appease, you can’t negotiate with a madman.”

West said the question of the Islamic cultural center and mosque at Ground Zero – the subject of the film screening – isn’t a legal one, acknowledging the sponsors have a right to build it. “It is about what is morally right,” he said.

He said it could be seen as a monument of sorts by and for people who attacked the United States. If Japan came to the U.S. nine months after the attack on Pearl Harbor and asked to build a memorial to Japanese naval seamanship there, “what would we have said?” West asked.

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