British Muslims feel “like the Jews of Europe” because of a growing culture of hostility against them, a Government minister has warned.
Shahid Malik, the UK’s first Muslim minister, said it has become legitimate to target Muslims in the media and society in a way that would be unacceptable for any other minority.
The MP for Dewsbury, West Yorks, said many British Muslims now feel like “aliens in their own country” as society turns a “blind eye” to their persecution.
Mr Malik, a minister in the Department for International Development, said this has the negative effects of segregating society and undermining efforts to deal with extremism and terrorism.
The 40-year-old said he had himself been the target of a string of racist incidents, including hate mail, the firebombing of his family car and an attempt to run him down at a petrol station.
Mr Malik said: “I think most people would agree that if you ask Muslims today what do they feel like, they feel like the Jews of Europe.
“I don’t mean to equate that with the Holocaust but in the way that it was legitimate almost - and still is in some parts - to target Jews, many Muslims would say that we feel the exact same way.
“Somehow there’s a message out there that it’s OK to target people as long as it’s Muslims. And you don’t have to worry about the facts, and people will turn a blind eye.”
The claims are made in an interview to be broadcast on Monday in a Channel 4 Dispatches programme to coincide with the third anniversary of the London bombings of 7 July.
Mr Malik’s constituency was home to July 7 suicide bomber Mohammad Siddique Khan.