Amsterdam police chief Pieter-Jaap Aalbersberg is visiting all the stations and officers under his command this week to talk about his proposal to allow headscarves with the police uniform. He hopes to soothe tempers and regain support, AD reports.
The Amsterdam top cop cleared his schedule until Thursday so that he can visit all police teams in the Dutch capital. In 15 sessions of 1.5 hours he will talk to officers and address the fierce criticism that arose after he made the headscarf suggestion.
Aalbersberg wanted to allow the wear of a headscarf, or hijab, with the police uniform in an attempt to attract more new officers with a ethnic minority background, and thereby increase diversity in the Amsterdam corps. But after a storm of criticism, National Police chief Erik Akerboom decided not to allow it. He said that he completely supports diversity in the Dutch police, but there is currently no support for this measure.
“There is a lot of commotion”, Amsterdam police spokesperson Jean Fransman said to AD. “It is good to discuss it with your people.”