Remembering the heroes and inspiring people moved to action on the horrible events of Sept. 11 is a job for the ages. We missed being your beacon for honoring them in print as we should.
Our main story reporting how local Muslims were sheltered from some of the hatred after 9/11 was an important story to share, but it should not have been the main story Wednesday or run on a different day. Many of you complained that we missed the mark, and the reaction is easy to understand.
One of our missions is to anticipate times to focus on reflection and celebration, to be a centerpiece for starting your day. Picking some of those moments is not easy, but 9/11 certainly deserves a more deliberate and forceful approach.
New community members might appreciate that Barksdale Air Force Base was the nation’s safe harbor for President George W. Bush, giving a major address from your backyard after the attacks, “Make no mistake: The United States will hunt down and punish those responsible for these cowardly acts.”
Our connection to this history is special.
When Air Force One was seen in our skies, relief about the safety of our leader spread throughout the community as did the alerts that came along.
I want you to know that not doing enough to put the coverage in is registered and understood. Our team heard your voices and realized the missed opportunity.
What we saw from our men and women in public service and in strong Americans bravely helping one another should never become background noise as Sept. 11 approaches. We will remember.